“If a given combination of trees, mountains, water, and houses, say a
landscape, is beautiful, it is not so by itself, but because of me, of my
favor, of the idea or feeling I attach to it.”
-- Charles Baudelaire

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Steve McCaffery

from North of Intention

According to Ferruccio Rossi-Landi, the problem of linguistic alienation is endemic to white "civilized" language communities, where a largely self-generative language system results in a proxemic rift, an elemental gap that prevents the identification of a speaker with her language. Language, argues Landi, functions like money and speaks through us more than we actively produce within it. It is a surplus-value that draws the speaker away from what ought to be his own world view and processes her through the rules and regulations of the detached and "surplus" system...

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